September 18, 2014

Loving my day today. Windows open with a slight breeze. Able to sit at my work table and look outside and enjoy the beautiful weather.

I've been neglecting to do some sanding and polishing of several pieces I have had for quite awhile. I have several heart pins and odds and ends that I am now working on. Have projects for jewelry that I need to finish as well.

I also have some pics of a few other pieces I have made and not posted so here goes.

Heart pins

My Blue Pear is hollow and made by shaping a lump of clay until I was able to make the shape, then trap air inside it and seal it. It was a fun project and didn't start out to be a blue pear but that is what developed.

And finally a new little box I made using a rock to make the shape. It started out all black. I made all the little swirlies and balls, etc, from extruded clay ropes (like you would get from a garlic press only we have a tool for this). Then I brushed on mica powders to make the wonderful color, baked it and finished the cut and took it off the rock. It's MUCH lighter now. I think I may make legs for it to sit on but haven't decided just how I will want them to look. Maybe curls of clay to match the top.

By the way, the little fish pictured at the top is also made over a rock, then cut off.

That's it for today. Will be busy the next few days with hubby coming home and weekend and all so see you sometime next week, hopefully with some new projects. Have a great weekend!

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